Could not read .gitmessage for commit template. But it exists. WHY?
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Could not read .gitmessage for commit template. But it exists. WHY?

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Are you tired of seeing that frustrating error message “Could not read .gitmessage for commit template” despite having the file in place? You’re not alone! As a developer, you’ve likely spent hours trying to figure out what’s going on, only to end up scratching your head in confusion. Worry not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of Git commit templates and uncover the secrets behind this mystifying error.

What is a Git commit template?

A Git commit template is a file that helps guide your commit messages, making it easier to maintain consistency and clarity in your repository. It’s essentially a blueprint for writing informative and descriptive commit messages. By default, Git looks for a file named `.gitmessage` in the root of your repository, and if found, uses it as the commit template.

The anatomy of a .gitmessage file

A typical `.gitmessage` file contains a series of lines, each representing a section of the commit message. Here’s an example:

Subject line ( less than 50 characters )

Body of the commit message

* Bullet points or other notes

The above example shows a basic `.gitmessage` file, where the first line is the subject, the second line is the body, and the subsequent lines are optional bullet points or notes.

So, why can’t Git read my .gitmessage file?

There are several reasons why Git might be unable to read your `.gitmessage` file, despite it being present in the correct location. Let’s explore some common culprits:

  • Permissions issues: Ensure that the `.gitmessage` file has the correct read permissions. You can check the file permissions by running `ls -l .gitmessage` in your terminal.
  • File encoding: Make sure the `.gitmessage` file is encoded in UTF-8, as Git expects. You can check the file encoding by running `file .gitmessage` in your terminal.
  • File location: Verify that the `.gitmessage` file is located in the root of your repository. If it’s in a subdirectory, Git won’t be able to find it.
  • File name casing: Be mindful of the file name casing. Git is case-sensitive, so ensure that the file is named `.gitmessage` (with a lowercase “g”) and not `.GitMessage` or `.GITMESSAGE`.

Troubleshooting steps

If you’ve checked the above points and still can’t get Git to read your `.gitmessage` file, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Verify the file exists: Run `git config –get commit.template` to check if Git can find the `.gitmessage` file. If it returns nothing, try setting the template manually with `git config –add commit.template .gitmessage`.
  2. Check for typos: Carefully review your `.gitmessage` file for any typos or formatting issues. A single mistake can cause Git to ignore the file.
  3. Reset Git’s commit template: Try resetting Git’s commit template by running `git config –unset commit.template`. Then, recreate the `.gitmessage` file and set it as the template again.
  4. Check for conflicts with other Git hooks: If you have other Git hooks in place, such as a `commit-msg` hook, they might be interfering with the `.gitmessage` file. Try temporarily disabling these hooks to see if the issue resolves.

Advanced troubleshooting techniques

If the above steps don’t yield a solution, it’s time to get a bit more advanced:

Debug Git’s commit process: Run `GIT_TRACE=1 git commit -m “Test commit”` to enable Git’s debug mode. This will provide more detailed output about the commit process, which might help you identify the issue.

Check the Git configuration: Run `git config –get-all commit.template` to see if there are any additional configuration settings affecting the commit template.

Inspect the Git commit process: Use `strace` or a similar tool to inspect the system calls made by Git during the commit process. This can help you identify any underlying system issues.


The “Could not read .gitmessage for commit template” error can be frustrating, but by methodically troubleshooting the issue, you should be able to identify and resolve the problem. Remember to check file permissions, encoding, location, and casing, as well as any potential conflicts with other Git hooks. If all else fails, try resetting Git’s commit template and recreating the `.gitmessage` file from scratch. With patience and persistence, you’ll be back to writing informative commit messages in no time!

Common .gitmessage file sections Description
Subject line The first line of the commit message, typically a brief summary.
Body The main content of the commit message, providing more details about the changes.
Bullet points or notes Optional sections for listing changes, fixes, or other relevant information.

By following these guidelines and troubleshooting steps, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Git commit templates and avoiding those pesky error messages.

Additional resources

Remember, a well-crafted commit message is essential for maintaining a healthy and informative repository. By taking the time to understand and troubleshoot Git commit templates, you’ll be able to provide valuable context for your team and ensure a smoother development process.

Still stuck?

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t get Git to read your `.gitmessage` file, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Git community or seek help from a seasoned developer. With persistence and patience, you’ll uncover the solution to this vexing issue.

Happy coding, and may your commit messages be forever informative and descriptive!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the error “Could not read .gitmessage for commit template. But it exists. WHY?”? Relax, we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot the issue:

Q1: Is the .gitmessage file really there?

Double-check, triple-check, and quadruple-check that the .gitmessage file is indeed present in the root directory of your Git repository. Make sure it’s not hidden or accidentally renamed.

Q2: Are the file permissions correct?

Verify that the .gitmessage file has the correct permissions set. Ensure that the file is readable by the user running the Git command. You can try resetting the permissions using `chmod` or `icacls` commands.

Q3: Is the .gitmessage file encoded correctly?

The .gitmessage file should be encoded in UTF-8 without BOM (Byte Order Mark). Try re-saving the file with the correct encoding to see if that resolves the issue.

Q4: Are there any special characters in the file name?

Some special characters, like emojis or non-ASCII characters, might be causing issues. Try renaming the file to a simple, alphanumeric name like `gitmessage.txt` and see if that helps.

Q5: Is your Git version up-to-date?

Make sure you’re running the latest version of Git. Sometimes, updating to the latest version can resolve compatibility issues that might be causing the error.