std::vector Not Clearing Memory or Bad Custom Allocator?
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std::vector Not Clearing Memory or Bad Custom Allocator?

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Are you frustrated with your std::vector not releasing memory even after calling clear()? Or perhaps you’re wondering if your custom allocator is to blame for the memory issues? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of C++ memory management, exploring the reasons behind this pesky problem and providing you with practical solutions to get your std::vector behaving as expected.

What’s the Issue?

When you call clear() on a std::vector, you expect it to release the memory it’s holding onto, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the memory doesn’t get released, leading to memory leaks and performance issues. There are two main culprits behind this problem: incorrect usage of std::vector and faulty custom allocators.

Incorrect Usage of std::vector

One common mistake is assuming that clear() will automatically release the memory. However, that’s not exactly true. When you call clear(), the vector’s internal pointer to the first element is set to nullptr, but the memory itself is not released. This is because the vector still needs to maintain its capacity, which is the total amount of memory available for the vector.

  std::vector<int> vec;
  vec.reserve(100); // Allocates memory for 100 elements
  vec.clear(); // Does not release memory!
  // vec.capacity() still returns 100

In this example, even after calling clear(), the vector still holds onto the memory for 100 elements. If you want to release the memory, you need to call shrink_to_fit(), which requests the vector to reduce its capacity to fit the current size.

  vec.shrink_to_fit(); // Releases excess memory
  // vec.capacity() returns the new, reduced capacity

Faulty Custom Allocators

Custom allocators can be a great way to optimize memory allocation for specific use cases. However, they can also lead to issues if not implemented correctly. A common mistake is not properly implementing the deallocate() function, which is responsible for releasing memory back to the system.

  class BadAllocator {
      void* allocate(size_t size) {
        // Returns a pointer to the allocated memory

      void deallocate(void* ptr, size_t size) {
        // Oops, forgot to release the memory!

  std::vector<int, BadAllocator> vec;
  vec.clear(); // Memory is not released!

In this example, the custom allocator BadAllocator fails to release the memory in its deallocate() function. As a result, the memory is not released even after calling clear().


Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s explore some solutions to get your std::vector working as expected.

Use shrink_to_fit() Instead of clear()

If you want to release the memory, use shrink_to_fit() instead of clear(). This will request the vector to reduce its capacity to fit the current size, releasing any excess memory.

  std::vector<int> vec;
  vec.shrink_to_fit(); // Releases excess memory

Implement a Correct Custom Allocator

If you’re using a custom allocator, make sure to implement the deallocate() function correctly. This function should release the memory back to the system.

  class GoodAllocator {
      void* allocate(size_t size) {
        // Returns a pointer to the allocated memory

      void deallocate(void* ptr, size_t size) {
        free(ptr); // Releases the memory back to the system

  std::vector<int, GoodAllocator> vec;
  vec.clear(); // Memory is released correctly!

Use a Vector of Pointers Instead

If you’re dealing with a vector of objects that require manual memory management, consider using a vector of pointers instead.

  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> vec;
  vec.clear(); // Memory is released correctly!

Best Practices

To avoid memory issues with std::vector, follow these best practices:

  • Use shrink_to_fit() instead of clear() to release excess memory.
  • Implement correct custom allocators that release memory in the deallocate() function.
  • Avoid using raw pointers and instead opt for smart pointers like std::unique_ptr.
  • Monitor your program’s memory usage and performance to catch potential issues early.


In conclusion, the issue of std::vector not clearing memory or bad custom allocators can be resolved by understanding the underlying causes and applying the correct solutions. By using shrink_to_fit() instead of clear(), implementing correct custom allocators, and following best practices, you can ensure that your std::vector behaves as expected and your program runs efficiently.

Keyword Description
std::vector A dynamic array class in C++ that can grow or shrink in size.
clear() A function that removes all elements from a std::vector, but does not release memory.
shrink_to_fit() A function that requests a std::vector to reduce its capacity to fit the current size, releasing excess memory.
Custom Allocator A user-defined allocator that can be used with std::vector to optimize memory allocation.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below! Share this article with your friends and colleagues to help spread awareness about the importance of proper memory management in C++.

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, C++ enthusiasts! Are you struggling with `std::vector` not clearing memory or suspecting a bad custom allocator? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and overcome these issues.

Q1: I called `std::vector::clear()` but the memory is still allocated. What’s going on?

Ahah, you’re not alone! `clear()` only removes the elements from the vector, but it doesn’t necessarily deallocate the memory. To release the memory, you need to call `std::vector::shrink_to_fit()` after `clear()`. This will request the vector to reduce its capacity to fit the new size. Keep in mind that the implementation is free to ignore this request, so it’s not a guarantee, but it’s a good starting point!

Q2: I’ve implemented a custom allocator, but `std::vector` doesn’t seem to use it. What did I do wrong?

Ouch, custom allocators can be tricky! Make sure you’ve correctly implemented the allocator’s `allocate()` and `deallocate()` functions. Also, check that you’ve passed the custom allocator to the `std::vector` constructor or used the `std::vector` constructor that takes an allocator as an argument. Lastly, verify that your allocator is thread-safe, as `std::vector` uses thread-local storage.

Q3: Can I use `std::vector::reserve()` to preallocate memory and avoid reallocations?

Absolutely! `reserve()` is your friend when it comes to performance-critical code. By calling `reserve()` with a sufficient capacity, you can avoid unnecessary reallocations and ensure that the vector has enough space to hold your elements. Just be aware that `reserve()` only sets the capacity, not the size, so you’ll still need to `push_back()` or `emplace_back()` elements to actually use the reserved memory.

Q4: I’m using a custom allocator with `std::vector`, but it’s not freeing memory when I call `clear()`. What’s the deal?

Ah, that’s a clever one! When you use a custom allocator, `std::vector` will not automatically deallocate the memory when you call `clear()`. You need to ensure that your custom allocator’s `deallocate()` function is being called explicitly. You can achieve this by using `std::vector::swap()` to swap the vector with an empty vector, which will trigger the deallocation of the original vector’s memory.

Q5: Can I use `std::vector` with a custom allocator that has a different allocation scheme than `new` and `delete`?

Yes, you can! The beauty of custom allocators lies in their flexibility. As long as your allocator conforms to the allocator requirements (such as providing `allocate()` and `deallocate()` functions), you can use it with `std::vector`. This allows you to integrate `std::vector` with specialized memory management schemes, like memory pools or stack-based allocators. Just remember to follow the rules and ensure your allocator is correct and thread-safe!